That week flew by fast, huh? WOW, another week down and we’re halfway through August!
First I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of Super Chica Fitness. My biggest hope is that I can help you along your fitness journey and whatever it is you want to accomplish, I want to help…glad you’re here.
So here’s what I’m working on for you:
1. A 14 Day free trial of the new updated Super Chica Fitness App!
Woot Woot! Click Here to sign up now

2. September Shape Up:
This will be a 30 day intermediate level group challenge through the app that is going to be super fun!!! This will be an amazing group of women completing the challenge together, holding each other accountable and motivating each other along the way. I’m so excited!!!
The 14 day Free trial would be a good place to get warmed up for the challenge. #YOUVEGOTTHIS!!!
3. A free weight loss course The course will be more in-depth than simple print outs you may have gotten. The course will show you step by step how to start your weight loss journey and will be completely free. My goal is to help 12,000 women in the next 12 months to lose at least 5 lbs and/or start a consistent workout routine. I think I’ll have this done in September be on the lookout for more on the course.
4. Next Week:
I’ll be finally adding some recipes to the web site so as soon as I do that I’ll let you know. We tested a turkey meatloaf last night and even my picky 15 year old step son liked it!!! #winning. The picture I took is terrible but I’m no professional photographer or videographer for that matter.

5. Watch my short welcome video so I can say hi!
Check out my first crack at a welcome video for you guys…. I hiked up a mountain to record it and found out I had pneumonia the next day. Oooops… check it out and let me know what you think….I hope I don’t get added to the YouTube video hall of shame!
Email me if you have any questions! Have a great weekend.
Anything is possible,
– Marietta
Try The Super Chica Fitness FREE Two Week Jump Start – Sign Up Form Here.