If you want to succeed at anything you have to have a plan.  This is universal:

  • Want to succeed at work?  Make a plan. 
  • Want to succeed at life?  Make a plan. 
  • Want to create a new healthy you?  Make a plan. 

If you fail to plan you plan to fail.

You can’t just go through life without a plan and expect to succeed. 

The old addage goes, If you fail to plan you plan to fail.  Or something like that! ?  The fact is it’s true.  Without a plan, how are you going to get to where you want to go.  Without a plan, how do you even know where you are going?  You are just out there spinning your wheels with no real direction and my guess is you feel pretty overwhelmed.  That’s when you give up…. Bummer. 

Do you think Olympians just show up at the Olympics?  Nope, they’ve had a plan, many of them have had a plan from a very young age and that plan brought them to their ultimate goal.  Going to the olympics.  Along with that plan they’ve surrounded themselves with a support system to hold them accountable.  Family, coaches, friends.  Everyone has been involved in their ultimate goal of reaching the olympics.  So how am I going to  get to my ultimage dream of losing this extra weight? 

First Set a goal. 

If you want to lose weight something has to change.  You’ll need to set a goal, then make a plan to get to that goal.  So what is your goal?  Let’s make it a SMART goal.  What’s that you say? 

S = Specific 
M= Measurable 
A = Achievable 
R = Relevant 
T = Time-Bound 

Read this post for more information on how to set your weight loss goals. 

Now Make a Plan

Now that you have a goal you can make your plan.  This is the exciting part. First you found your reason why you want to lose weight by reading, finding your why. Next, you’ve set your smart goal which is basically the road map for your plan.  It lays out the “what” and the time frame and since it was a smart goal it is achievable too so you are already saying to yourself, “I CAN DO THIS”.  And I know you can.  

So, let’s say you read about how to set your weight loss goals and came up with the following SMART goal: 

S = I will Lose 25 lbs in 12 weeks and create a new healthy lifestyle for myself and my family. 

M= Weight Loss of 25 lbs and consistently working out 5 days a week for 30 minutes or more for more than 12 weeks in a row. 

A = Yes you can do this!  You’re not trying to lose 50lbs in 10 days.  25 lbs is basically 2 lbs a week and very doable. 

R =  Losing weight and getting healthy makes sense to me and will improve every part of my life. 

T = 12 Weeks (Add your start date and end date) 

Very nice work on your SMART goal by the way!  

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.   

Get Your FREE Super Chica Fitness Resources Kit:

  • 7 Mistakes you are probably making that sabatoge your weight loss
  • FREE Weekly Meal Planner with grocery list
  • FREE Daily Planner with goals, to dos and a daily gratitude journal
  • FREE 20 minute no equipment workout that you can do anywhere!
  • BONUS: Marietta’s favorite ab workout printout

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